Customer satisfaction is critical when measuring the success of your business. No matter how revolutionary your products are, or how vital the service you provide may be, if your customers aren’t left happy after an interaction with you, they won’t be back. There are many tactics you can employ to ensure you keep your customers happy, but the secret really comes down to clear communication and superior service.
So what does a GPS fleet management system have to do with either of those, you ask? The data you (and your customers) gain access to when you can track your vehicles can help clear up details of where, when and how your vehicle was being driven, or what time you can promise delivery. The more information you have available, the better chance you have of resolving disputes or providing updates to ensure your customers come back again and again.
Documenting Courtesy Car Use
Everyone’s heard the age-old adage, “the customer is always right” – but everyone who’s worked in customer service knows that’s not always the case. But when you’re walking the fine line between maintaining customer satisfaction and eating unplanned expenses because of a customer’s activities, there’s no easy way out. If you offer a courtesy car to your customers to enhance your service, that doesn’t mean you’re prepared to pay for the extra maintenance and repairs that can result from harsh driving habits.
Of course, no one wants to get in a dispute with a valued customer about the undocumented driving activities of a courtesy car. So why not document them? One of the key features of a GPS-based fleet management system allow the beacons to detect sudden braking, rapid acceleration, sharp cornering or accidents. While you’d never want to risk wrongly accusing a customer of abusing your property, with fleet tracking you can simply pull up a driver behavior report and point to the exact moment they blew out your suspension.
It’s not about winning the argument – it’s about protecting your property and avoiding unnecessary repairs. By eliminating the burden of customer-caused repairs from your budget, you can improve your bottom line and pass the savings on to your other customers.

With a GPS-based fleet management system, you can answer your customers’ questions and concerns with accuracy.
Tracking to Estimate Delivery Times or Monitor Vehicle Activity
When your customers contact your business, they want to know their concerns are being heard. When the schedule or location of one of your vehicles comes into question, a GPS-based fleet management system can provide you with the data you need to reassure customers and resolve complaints. Use tracking data to offer precise delivery times or detailed accounts of your vehicles’ activities.
Nobody likes waiting around for a delivery or service visit, and when you use a GPS-based fleet management system to track your vehicles, you can all but eliminate the wait times your customers experience. Customers waiting for your drivers to arrive don’t need to sit home for broad windows – you can give them certainty and peace of mind with precise calculations about when your vehicle will arrive. If a customer calls with an urgent request, you can immediately locate the nearest vehicle and reference the driver’s schedule to provide them with a realistic and reliable timeline.
Tracking your fleet can also help with complaint resolution. You’ll have access to detailed data about where your vehicles were and when, allowing you to address complaints about late or missed appointments or dangerous driving habits. Your system might not guarantee that you can always give your customers what they want, when they want it, but it will let you make more informed decisions and provide your customers with satisfying responses.
Get Your GPS-Based Fleet Management System
Every business needs to focus on customer satisfaction, whether you are an eCommerce company needing next-day delivery, a medical service wanting to make critical deliveries on time, or a hotel wanting to improve your guest’s experience by ensuring prompt pick-up and drop-offs at venues. At Nero Global Tracking, we share your belief that great customer service is the cornerstone of a successful business. If you’re ready to reap the benefits of a GPS-based fleet management system or if you’d like to learn more about what we can do for you, get in touch with our team today. We’ll help you use the power of information to enhance your company’s customer service.